
Imhotep Academy is committed to the development of the whole child.  We believe that it is our responsibility to develop children mentally, physically, and intellectually to have:

  • A passion for learning supported by academic excellence and scholarship

  • Moral values and character traits that positively foster future success

  • Knowledge of self and community to strengthen confidence, leadership, social responsibility and citizenship

  • A healthy, safe, engaged and supportive educational environment


Imhotep Academy strives to develop scholars and future leaders, while continuing to provide broad and accelerated academic experiences.

Philosophy:  Imhotep Academy…

  • Is dedicated to sound scholarship and academics that foster the development of curiosity and independent thought

  • Enables our students to acquire the skills, knowledge and self-respect which are appropriate foundations for lifelong learning and personal development

  • Believes that children have special talents and abilities that develop at different rates and that they learn best using a variety of academic disciplines

  • Provides a well-rounded program that balances physical development and sound growth

  • Provides each student with accelerated academics that challenges students on and above their grade level

  • Encourages collaborative, action-based, and constructive learning environments

  • Invites parents to understand and actively support the school’s vision, mission and goals